App State's Hickory Campus Events

    In the heart of the Catawba Valley, App State offers the appeal of a small college with the prestige of a premier public institution. Learn more about App State’s Hickory campus at an upcoming Admissions event.

    Interested in meeting with someone now? App State’s Hickory campus is open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. Stop by and chat with our Admissions and Student Affairs teams.

    One-on-One Appointments

    Schedule a one-on-one video chat with an admission counselor to learn about becoming a Mountaineer at our Hickory campus. Click on an available date to schedule a time that works for you.

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled

    Campus Tours

    All prospective and admitted students (first-year and transfer) and guests are invited to tour App State's Hickory campus with a student guide. 

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled

    Open House


    Explore App State's Hickory Campus events to learn more about admissions, majors, classes and on-site student support services.